Bravo Concealment

Bravo Concealment S&W M&P Shield 9 IWB Holster

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  • Regular price Rs.15,000.00
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SKU: 1137

Holster Specs:


  • S&W Shield 9,40 (3.1")
  • S&W Shield M2.0 9,40 (3.1")

Material: Polymer

Type: Concealment Holster

Style: Inside Waistband (IWB)

Hand: Right Hand

Color: Black

Belt Clips: 1.50"

Safety Clearance: YES

Adjustable Retention: YES

Tall Sight Clearance: YES up to .2175" Inches

Threaded Barrel Clearance: YES up to .6000" Diameter

Holster will NOT accommodate:
  • S&W Shield 2.0 (4")
  • S&W Shield ez


After Market Frames

Extended Mag Release

Red Dot Sights

Sweat Guard

Bravo Concealment Holsters come standard with a (Semi-Full) sweat guard to keep your clothing and bare skin in tact from gun slide discomfort. It also serves as a guide when re-holstering your firearm.
